September 26-27 Rozum Robotics presented its products – cobot PULSE, Frameless Motors and ServoDrive – to the American public during RoboBusiness 2017 in Santa-Clara, US. The main focus of the event was dedicated to AI and the way robots use it to interact with humans. Robots are no longer mere assistants – they are full scale companions. And the productivity of enterprises sky-rockets when robots and humans learn how to work side by side.
During the show Rozum Robotics contact list got increased by business cards of Fortune 500 representatives: Apple, Google, Siemens, Tesla, Amazon, nVidia, etc.
Not just manufacturing businesses but also academic community is in line with overall automation approach: Stanford University showed interest in introducing Rozum Robotics collaborative robot to their scientific purposes.
We thank everybody for coming to our booth and hope to see you next time!
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